
Sample Year


The USDA Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) National Honey Bee Survey (NHBS), is a comprehensive examination of colonies throughout the US. For more information about this program, see ushoneybeehealthsurvey.info and our APHIS data explorer.

Honey Bee Pathogens

ABPVAcute Bee Paralysis Virus
CBPVChronic Bee Paralysis Virus
DWV-ADeformed Wing Virus A (formerly DWV)
DWV-BDeformed Wing Virus B (formerly VDV)
IAPVIsraeli Acute Paralysis Virus
KBVKashmir Bee Virus
LSV2Lake Sinai Virus 2
SBPVSlow Bee Paralysis Virus
MKVMoku Virus
Nosema ceranaeunicellular gut parasite that causes Nosema disease


  • Molecular Pathogen samples come from the USDA APHIS Honey Bee Survey
  • The popup on hover provides:
      ▪ pathogen prevalance in %
      ▪ samples_n = number of virus samples
      ▪ sources_n = the number of different operation owners per sampling project represented
      ▪ months = the months the samples were collected
  • Not all of the Hawaiian islands have varroa, or the vectored viruses, however the map reports the prevalance of samples found anywhere in the state.

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