APHIS Honey Bee Survey
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The USDA Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) National Honey Bee Survey (NHBS), is a comprehensive examination of colonies throughout the US. The Survey began in 2009 to address the emerging concern about diminishing health in honey bees and invasive threats to honey bees, including Tropilaelaps clareae, Apis cerana, and Slow Bee Paralysis Virus. For more information about this program, see and the USDA APHIS website. ushoneybeehealthsurvey.info and the USDA APHIS website.
Data Description
Each row of the table represents an event where samples were taken at a single location and date. The year, month, state and county are given to represent the date and location while protecting the identity of participants. Diagnostic results are reported from the composite of samples from 8 colonies at each location. Diagnostic results are reported for Varroa and Nosema sp. levels, molecular targets, and pesticide detections. More information about sampling protocols can be found at ushoneybeehealthsurvey.info
Molecular Targets
Molecular targets with a negative result are represented with a '-' in their cell, while positve results are represented with a '+'. Some data has quantitaive results that have been ranked into percentiles. The percentile shows the percent of samples found at the same level, or below, for that particular target. You can think of it as a ranking from 0 to 100, with lower rank is "better" (less virus). For example, a pathogen found to be postive and ranked at 'below 30th', would be a relatively low level at the lower third compared to other samples. Sampling targets are described below.
ABPV | Acute Bee Paralysis Virus |
CBPV | Chronic Bee Paralysis Virus |
DWV-A | Deformed Wing Virus A (formerly DWV) |
DWV-B | Deformed Wing Virus B (formerly VDV) |
IAPV | Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus |
KBV | Kashmir Bee Virus |
LSV2 | Lake Sinai Virus 2 |
SBPV | Slow Bee Paralysis Virus |
MKV | Moku Virus |
Nosema ceranae | unicellular gut parasite that causes Nosema disease |
Pesticide Results
Not all locations were sampled for pesticides. If pesticide results are available, the sample type is given (examples: Bee Bread or Wax) first, then the pesticides that were found are listed followed by the level detected. If no detections were found, "No Detections" is listed. For more information about pesticide sampling protocols and results, see the following pages.